
Who are we?

Dr Shira Bukchin-Peles

Dr. Shira Bukchin - Peles


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Yaeli Benovich

Yaeli Benovich

PhD Candidate

Research:  Understanding Small Farmers' Decisions: The Role of Temporal Regulation


Ariel Aviram

Ariel Aviram

PhD Candidate

A Satisficing and dynamic food-energy-water nexus approach to sustainability
With Prof. Eran Feitelson



Ori Gurfinkel

Ori Gurfinkel

Master Student

Research: The mechanisms of PV development and implementation in Nigeria 



Oshrit Poliker Aharon

Oshrit Poliker Aharon

Master Student @ Tel Aviv University

Research:  The role of international and local agents in the adoption of modern agricultural technologies in Mozambique
With Dr. Shira Shmuely




Zohar Kalimi

Zohar Kalimi

Former Master Student

Completed Research:  Regulatory Evolution of Organophosphates and Carbamates in Israel